Arnoud Holleman

Drawing is the engine of my work
nl / en


online photo documentary

Temporary site specific art work. Website documentary and neon signs on two Norman Foster windmills in the Groote Westeindsche Polder near the A4 motor way between Leiden and The Hague. Project duration: september 2007 - september 2008.

The documentary is still online:

Nature as Artifice - New Dutch Landscape in Photography and Video Art. 2008, 2009. Traveling exhibition, visiting Rijksmuseum Kröller Müller (Otterlo), Neue Pinakothek (München), George Eastman House (Rochester) and Aperture Foundation (New York). Curated by Maartje van den Heuvel

Borders - Museum Boymans van Beuningen, Rotterdam, 2008. Curated by Ernst van der Hoeven en Frank Bruggeman

Nature as Artifice - Catalgoue published by NAI. Editors Maartje van den Heuvel and Tracy Metz

Nieuwkomer installation shots, Zoeterwoude. Photo Monica Nouwens
Nieuwkomer installation shots, Zoeterwoude. Photo Monica Nouwens
View from the wind turbine down to the ground. Photo Rob Wetzer
View from the wind turbine down to the ground. Photo Rob Wetzer
Catalogue Nature as Artifice
Catalogue Nature as Artifice
Nieuwkomer at Aperture, New York. Photo Elliot Black
Nieuwkomer at Aperture, New York. Photo Elliot Black
Nieuwkomer at Museum Boijmans, Rotterdam. Photo Frank Bruggeman
Nieuwkomer at Museum Boijmans, Rotterdam. Photo Frank Bruggeman